Monday, December 30, 2019
Nursing Workplace Incidence of Violence Essay examples
In today’s world violence can be expected anywhere at any time. This includes what was considered at one time a low risk area, the medical facility. Today the incidence of violence is increasing. There are two types of violence the first is lateral violence or aggression which is amongst hospital or medical personal. The other is external factors consisting of patients or visitors instituting violence or aggression among themselves or against healthcare workers. This is known as a code grey in my facility and all male staff not currently engaged in patient care are supposed to respond. For this paper the discussion will be on lateral violence as this form of violence has been showing a rapid increase in incidences. As mentioned we have†¦show more content†¦5). Staff members that are identified with anger management problems need to be directed to some form of counseling to identify trigger points and how to redirect anger positively. This issue needs to be addressed as soon as possible for any injuries sustained on the premises of the medical facility could set them up for legal ramifications. The public in this litigiously happy society are more than willing to take advantage of this situation. Staff has the right to feel secure at their place of employment. If they feel harassed while at work either physically, sexually, or emotionally then they too may have a case for litigation against their place of employment. In Arizona the â€Å"injunction against workplace harassment; definitions†(Arizona state Legislature, 2011) can be found in 12-1810 of Arizona Revised Statutes. This is relevant for me as it is for everyone in the healthcare industry. We all want to work in an environment that is free from violence especially in an environment that is already full of stress. It is good to know that there are governmental sanctions for those that violate harassment or violence regulations in the workplace. We still need management to be accountable with those under their direction, disciplining and counseling problem employees as necessary. Because of this threat that constantly hangs over our heads we as nurses should develop a process or planShow MoreRelatedEssay Workplace Violence in Nursing890 Words  | 4 PagesWorkplace Violence in Nursing Professional Position Paper Nurses continually strive to bring holistic, efficient, and safe care to their patients. However, if the safety and well-being of the nurses are threatened or compromised, it is difficult for nurses to work effectively and efficiently. 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One healthcare setting that isRead MoreThe Incidence Of Aggression And Violence Essay923 Words  | 4 PagesThe incidence of aggression and violence in acute mental health settings is internationally recognised as an ongoing and significant issue (Gascon, Martinez-Jarreta, Gonzales-Andrade, Santed, Casalod Rueda 2009). Although the problem is endemic among mental health profession als, nurses are at a higher risk of experiencing patient or family violence compared to other healthcare providers and auxiliary staff (Schablon, Zeh, Wendeler, Peters, Wohlert, Harling Nienhaus 2012). Evidence suggests thatRead MoreDifference Between Violence And Lateral Violence Essay905 Words  | 4 PagesCivility and Lateral Violence in Nursing Lateral violence is a devastating phenomenon in the nursing workplace. It is also known as ‘horizontal violence’ or ‘workplace bullying (Coursey, Rodriguez, Dieckmann, Austin, 2013). 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Sunday, December 22, 2019
Teen Suicide A Victim Of Severe Cyberbullying - 3502 Words
Megan Meier was 13 years old and struggled with self-image and depression for many years. One day, she met a boy on MySpace and the two became very close. Megan was the happiest she had been in her entire life, and under her parents’ watchful eyes, she continued to flourish. However, on October 16, 2006, Megan became the victim of severe cyberbullying. The boy she was talking to began to say hurtful things to her, which quickly spiraled into a situation where many of her â€Å"friends†on social media began posting derogatory comments about her. Despite her parents’ pleas to get off the Internet, Megan continued to read the comments. That night, Megan’s mom found her hanged in her closet (Megan Meir Foundation, n.d.). This story is one of the many that has caught the media’s attention over recent years. Teen suicide in relation to bullying started garnering public and media attention after the Columbine and Santana High School shootings in 1999 and 2001 respectively (Ericson, n.d.). It is noted that the boys who completed these murder-suicides were bullied throughout their school careers (n.d.). In response to this observation, researchers began studying the link between bullying and suicide. Studies are now showing that bullying is an important risk factor in the ideation and completion of suicide in juveniles. Both victims and bullies are more likely to attempt suicide or have suicidal thoughts than those who are not involved in this type of violence (Hinduja and Patchin,Show MoreRelatedSocial Media Has Taken The World By Storm933 Words  | 4 Pagesinteractions and introduces a world entered using only the touch of a finger. It is estimated that 69% of teens, aged 12 to 18, own their own computer and/or smartphone and 80% of those teens are active on one or more social media sites (Laird, 2012). Thus, a good portion of this generation’s social and emotional development is occurring while engaged on social media. We don’t always know if what teens are accessing are influencing them more positively or negatively, but what we do know is that teenagersRead MoreEssay On Cyberbullying969 Words  | 4 Pages Cyberbullying is growing and becoming one of the leading causes of teen suicide. Cyberbullying occurs when a person posts or messages someone in a negative way online. It can include threats, harassment, and even smearing someone’s name by spreading lies. The web’s anonymity provides the perfect cover for bullies to harass classmates or even mere strangers. Cyberbullying is usually not a hit and run, bullies target one teen and insult or spread rumors about them, not realizing that if caught, theyRead MoreAs Of Now There Is No Federal Statute That Is Against Cyberbullying1200 Words  | 5 Pagesno federal statute that is against cyberbullying (Strictkland, 2010). In 2009, there was a bill that was introduced to be an add on to the Megan Meier Cyberbullying Prevention Act. The bill states that it would be within violation of the law if an individual were to transmit in interstate or foreign commerce any communication, with the intent to coerce, intimidate, harass, or cause substantial emotional distress to a person, using electronic means to support severe, repeated, and hostile behavior (StricklandRead MoreThe Effects Of Social Networking On Teenagers And Teenagers1511 Words  | 7 PagesPre-teens and teenagers are living in a world which is so focused on social networking which causes their lives to revolve around it. With people’s lives being connected in social networking, this leads to people wanting to have a social rank. In recent studies cyberbullying rates have found that about 1 in 4 teens have been the victims of cyberbullying, and 1 in 6 admit to having cyberbullied someone (Cyberbullying, 2016). More than have half of teens surveyed that have felt abused through socialRead MoreProblems With Social Media Essay1343 Words  | 6 Pagesare bullies over the internet that try to harm people with rude or hateful messages and even misuse personal information. Cyberbullying causes a big issue in society, often leading to stress, anger, and even suicide. To get started, Cyberbullying causes stress on a lot of people, not just the person getting bullied, their friends and their families to. Everyone around the victim must put up with what the cyberbully has done to the person. It can cause the same amount of stress or even more than beingRead MoreArgumentative Essay On Cyber Bullying1705 Words  | 7 Pagesidea of cyberbullying is truly frightening, and the arrival of modern technology and the rise of social network make it even worst. With the invention of the Internet and its mass commercial use, some people might not have foreseen the issue of â€Å"cyberbullying†and how harmful it can really be. Cyberbullying is a real phenomenon that has been present for some time. Cyberbullying is defined as the use of the Internet and technology to purposely harm another person in a hostile way. Cyberbullying has becomeRead MoreCyber Bullying And Its Effect On Today s Youth1587 Words  | 7 Pages Studies have shown that cyberbul lying incidents have quadrupled in the last five years. Cyber-bullying has become a huge issue recently. It is despairing to turn on the news everyday and watching reports going on about bullying and the number of suicides such has lead to. â€Å" Love is Louder†has been a phrase commonly used by celebrities to send out a message not only to fans but to humanity proving that bullying is not righteous and should not be tolerated. The more the communication throughRead MoreCyberbullying And Traditional Bullying : Cyberbullying1158 Words  | 5 PagesCyberbullying is a relatively new threat, and it is very similar to traditional bullying. Despite the fact that cyberbullying and traditional bullying both share the common goal of harassment, cyberbullying differs from traditional bullying in that it does not stop at the schoolyard, and can continue when the victim is far away from the aggressor. It is just as devastating as common bullying, and sometimes is even more damaging. Professors Sameer Hinduja and Justin W. Patchin note in their journalRead MoreCyberbullying Prevention And The Prevention1031 Words  | 5 PagesThe prevention and responding to Cyberbullying is a way to stay away from all the dangers. Parents, schools and anyone can help stop children from cyberbullying and help them if they are getting cyberbullied. Anyone can help the prevention of cyber bullying, help others resp ond to it, and warn people about how dangerous it can become. Cyberbullying prevention can start with just anyone, from parents to other teens across the whole U.S. Parents can talk to their children while they are growing upRead MoreCyberbullying And Its Effects On Society899 Words  | 4 Pagesall witnessed bullying. Some cases more severe than others. One well known way is through social network. This is called cyberbullying. Cyberbullying occurs when a minor is targeted in some form-- threatened humiliated, harassed-- by another, and it is not to be confused with cyber-stalking or cyber-harassment, which involves an adult. Not limited to the internet cyberbullying can spread by cell phones or other digital devices (Surdin, 2009). Cyberbullying has caused many disturbances within our
Saturday, December 14, 2019
Rizal’s Life Free Essays
When the book starts, Ibarra is returning to the Philippines after a 7 year absence, and he is reunited with his lover, Maria Clara. He also learns the details of his father’s death, which was caused by one of his father’s political opponents in his home town of Binondo, Manila. Father Damaso is one of the religious/political figures in Binondo who dislikes Ibarra’s dad. We will write a custom essay sample on Rizal’s Life or any similar topic only for you Order Now By accusing Ibarra’s dad of being a heretic, and by using the death of a local student to make him look bad, Father Damaso turned the community against Ibarra’s dad, and had him thrown in jail where he got sick and died. Ibarra’s father was disgraced further when his body was thrown into the lake while workers were transporting him between burial sites. After learning about the atrocities committed against his father, Ibarra does not seek revenge, but instead decides to build a school, which was something his father had always planned to do. By building the school, Juan Crisostomo Ibarra shows that he is genuinely concerned about the education and welfare of the Filipino people, because he puts the political squabbling aside in order to help the community. Ibarra is nearly assassinated at the school’s opening celebrations, but he is saved by a man named Elias. After the assassination attempt, Ibarra is thrown into jail for a crime that he did not commit. Elias again assists Ibarra by helping him escape from prison. As they are absconding in a boat, Ibarra hides under some leaves. Elias jumps into the water in an attempt to fool the guards, but his plan fails and he is shot by the guards and left for dead. Since the guards think that they shot Ibarra, they cease their pursuit of the boat he is hiding on, and he escapes unharmed. Reflection Base on my reflection the book Noli Me Tangre is about the problems and injustices experienced by the fictional character, Juan Crisostomo Ibarra. All of the problems he experiences are brought about by corrupt officials in the Spanish government of his home town. And he revenge because for the death of his father. Insights One of Jose Rizal’s goals in writing the story was to bring attention to the corruption present in the Spanish controlled government of the Philippines. Noli Me Tangre exposed corruption, created widespread controversy, and gave native Filipinos a sense of unity. Even until now there still a corruption that we experiencing resulting of difficulty and poverty in life and in our country. Hope that there might a solution of this corrupt country. El Filibusterismo Simoun, a mysterious and powerful jeweller who is in good graces with the Captain General plots a coup d’ etat against the Spanish colonial government. He secretly abets the abuses committed against the natives in the hope of stirring them to rise up in revolt. To weaken the regime, he encourages corruption, using his immense wealth to foment injustice and provoke massive unrest. Unknown to all, Simoun is Juan Crisostomo Ibarra, a man who had been wrongfully accused of rebellion and condemned in a plot instigated by his enemies including a friar who had unchaste feelings for his fiancee, Maria Clara. Everybody thought Ibarra had been killed as a fugitive, but in truth he had escaped, enriched himself abroad and has returned to the Islands to avenge himself. He plans to take Maria Clara who, believing Ibarra is dead, had entered the convent. In the course of his plans, Simoun comes into contact with young idealistic Filipinos whom he wants to enlist to his cause. One of these is Basilio, one of the few who know his secret. He had been adopted by Kapitan Tiyago, a wealthy landowner and father of Maria Clara. Basilio is about to graduate as doctor of medicine and plans to marry Huli, his childhood sweetheart. Huli is the daughter of Kabesang Tales, a homesteader who had been dispossessed of his lands by the friars. Turned outlaw, Kabesang Tales and other victims of injustice have been enlisted by Simoun in his plan to overthrow the government. Another student, Isagani, dreams of a progressive future for his country but his fiancee, Paulita, who shares his aunt Dona Victorina’s prejudices against the natives, is not interested in them. Simoun’s plot is aborted when he learns that Maria Clara had died at the convent. Student leaders who have been advocating the opening of an academy for the teaching of the Spanish language hold a party where they lampoon the friars. The next day, posters are found encouraging sedition, and those suspected of involvement are arrested, including Basilio. His foster father having died, obody intercedes for him, while the rich and influential are released. Meanwhile, Huli is killed in the church after she had sought the help of the parish priest for the release of Basilio. Due to this tragedy, her grandfather, Tandang Selo, joins the outlaws. Embittered by Maria Clara’s death, Simoun plans another coup to be staged at the wedding reception for Paulita, who has been engaged to another man: top government officials including the Captain general who are to attend would be blown away, the house being planted with explosives which will be detonated by a a device hidden in the lamp given as gift by Simoun to the newlyweds. Basilio, who has been released and now wants to take revenge is ordered by Simoun to lead in the uprising. At the appointed hour, the guests are terrified upon reading a note signed by Juan Crisostomo Ibarra; his signature is recognized by Father Salvi, the friar who lusted after Maria Clara. Before the lamp could explode, Isagani, who has been warned by Basilio about the plot, barges in and throws the lamp into the river. Isagani escapes. The uprising again fails to take off, and the armed followersof Simoun, deprived of leadership or devoid of vision, resort to banditry. The lawlessness that reigns in the countrysides leads to harsh measures by the government in its efforts to show it is in control. The plot at the wedding is finally traced to Simoun who escapes into a house near the ocean. After taking poison, he confesses to father Florentino, a Filipino priest, who tells him: â€Å"What is the use of independence if the slaves of today will be the tyrants of tomorrow? †After the death of Simoun, Father Florentino throws his treasure into the sea. How to cite Rizal’s Life, Essay examples
Friday, December 6, 2019
Introducing free essay sample
Hello everybody, I am here to introduce out classmate Ernst Deant. During our interview I noticed that he was very kind and interesting person, so let me tell you something about him. Ernst was born in Port au Prince, Haiti. He moved to the United States when he was 12 years old. He came from a middle class family, so his life was stable and how he said, he was little bit spoiled. His Dad is a businessman and his Mom is a chef at Fountain Blue. Right after he graduated from North Miami Senior High School, he joined the U. S. Navy, and spent 13 years in the U. S. military. He was part of 21 Humanitarian missions in Afghanistan; he is also a combat veteran who did 2 tours in Iraq and Afghanistan. He says he loves everything outdoor except wild life camping. He played soccer in the High School and in College he was vice president of Haitian club in Boston. We will write a custom essay sample on Introducing or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page He was married and happily divorced. From that marriage he got 2 beautiful daughters. Recently he found love of his life and big support from his Fiance. She has giving him hope that real women do exist. His short term goal is to become better man and not just father figure and his long term goal is to graduate from the nuclear medicine technology program at Broward College. He says that he is very simple man that like to live life to its fullest and love taking risks. His favorite color is blue and he likes to listen all sorts of music I can truly say that it is a privilege for me to share a classroom with one of the many former Freedom fighters that this great country has blessed us with.
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