Sunday, August 23, 2020
Risk and Return Past and Prologue Essay Example
3 Steps to Acing Your Upcoming Group Interview You’ve been approached in for a board meet. Perhaps you’re threatened. Perhaps frightened. Possibly you’re not even sure you comprehend what that really involves. Whatever your degree of fear, here are three simple strides to traversing your board meet tranquilly and in one piece. Stage 1: BEFOREYou reserve the privilege to ask who will be on your board. Do this. At that point inquire about each board part as well as could be expected. You’ll have the option to make sense of a considerable amount and get ready better for what each may be generally quick to ask you. What does this specific gathering of individuals educate you regarding what the organization is attempting to assess?You can likewise ask to what extent (generally) the meeting should last. This will give you a nice sentiment for what amount to and fro conversation will be conceivable, how much space you’ll be given to pose inquiries, to what extent your answers can be, etc.Step 2: DURING Treat every individual on the board like an individual not simply one more anonymous face. This isn't an indifferent divider asking you inquiries. Every questioner on your board is another chance to make a human association and persuade that a lot more individuals in the organization what an extraordinary fit you would be.Be sure to observe everybody’s name as they are presented. Record every one if that causes you recall. When responding to questions, talk straightforwardly to the person who asked, yet then attempt to widen your answer out to cause the remainder of the board to feel remembered for the discussion.Step 3: AFTERYou’ve took in their names and put forth an attempt to interface with each board part presently thank every single one of them earnestly withâ solid eye to eye connection and a quality handshake. From that point forward, it’s the typical post-meet follow-up methodology. Be that as it may, recall that you have to keep in touch with one card to say thanks for each board part. It appears to be a torment, however it’s these little contacts that will help set you apart.The board talk with: 6 hints for previously, during, and after
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Impact of Emerging Digital Technologies Free-Samples for Students
Question: Examine about the difficulties in Cyber Security for Business. Answer: Presentation Digital security is a developing innovation issue which should be drawn nearer in an increasingly specialized manner. It has be drawn closer in a progressively unique manner by all partners since it is a worldwide issue as opposed to a hierarchical level issue. Organizations have been confronted with difficulties of tackling digital security issues extending from hierarchical consistence program to universal gauges consistence programs. In digital security, security and information assurance is of more concern and must be authorized to ensure authoritative information isn't presented to interlopers who may wind up disrupting hierarchical frameworks (HASIB 2014, p. 112). The standard of simply keeping authoritative information is gone and associations are contributing vigorously on security of their data since it has become a truly important resource for any association. Hacking has been of significant concern and business have been undermined through different ways. To associations t hat work on the web and the vast majority of its exchanges are done through an online framework, security must be implemented to make sure about both authoritative and clients information. As of late, Mastercard exchanges have shot up with increments in online exchange and programmers have taken that benefit to bargain such exchange to take from associations and honest clients. Clients have ended up as an easy objective since they are being charged false charges without their insight. Venture objective The fundamental goal of the paper is to address digital security challenges that associations have been confronting. Imperative to note is that, such difficulties may be considered at hierarchical level yet they are for the most part worldwide situated. In the wake of tending to security challenges, it will concentrate on how these difficulties have been made and best choices in tackling digital security slips. Venture scope To address digital security challenges, it will be imperative to concentrate on both worldwide market and hierarchical level consistence programs which are intended to illuminate digital security. Next, information assurance and security of association is delicate while tending to information break and hacking. Absence of characterized strategy and procedures on the most proficient method to settle digital security issues must be obviously laid out so as to help in making mindfulness on what authoritative level must actualize to control security issues. Writing Review Consistence Consistence is a demonstration getting in accordance with what is required so as to have the option to understand digital security challenges that associations and independent venture administrators are looking in the market today (MINICK 2016, p. 57). This brings out part of setting down great establishment to encourage business development by meeting all center components identified with set consistence programs. Viable consistence structures are made by making extremely high score set of accepted rules to help in understanding the specified jobs of lead in association and setting out required structure hinders for consistence program. Essential to note is that different security consistence programs are one of a kind from one another and have different degrees of achieving development. Security consistence development is for the most part dictated by level of hazard each challenge is introducing to associations in the market (SMITH COCKBURN 2014, p. 19). Consistence programs are p rincipally dictated by code of morals that are recommended by a specific association. Consistence program set out to moderate digital security difficulties may be set out as to authoritative recommended set of principles, code of morals in presence or more all guidelines and guidelines that are set out by explicit hierarchical administration. Since consistence programs are set out as per jobs and obligations, it is a great idea to be increasingly mindful of authoritative moral practices. At the point when association sets up consistence programs, it needs to ensure its consistence program is more than causing its workers to adhere to rules. It must be planned for making authoritative achievement a reality. At long last, as per SUBRAMANIAN (2008, p. 135), the tone wherein this consistence program is passed to authoritative workers and partners is of qualities. The most noteworthy tone is significant since it characterizes achievement of the association. As per ICGS3 et al (2015, p. 256), a portion of the consistence in digital security are; IT Audit and consistence, IT strategies and administration and IT chance evaluation and the board. A genuine model can be seen from Cisco and InfoSec Companies which have been cooperating so as to encourage worldwide business creation by shielding authoritative frameworks and information from either inner or outer dangers radiating from digital security. In spite of the fact that a great deal of consistence has been put on both equipment and programming, the two Companies have adopted comprehensive strategy in making sure about hierarchical information. A portion of these methodologies incorporate; executing market centered approaches and procedures that ensures associations agree to digital security set strategies and systems (ADOMI 201, p. 10). This is done through making strategies that administer how associations that utilization items from these organizations, for example, equipment and prog ramming must follow on the off chance that they need to profit by their items. Next, these associations have gone an additional mile to execute security in their framework before dispersing them to customers. Further, DONALDSON et al (2015, p. 27) contends that, Cisco and InfoSec have been encouraging security cognizant culture with point of decreasing assaults and cultivating great security in business. At long last, with respect to authoritative arrangements and technique, these two organizations have made procedures and methods to be followed while executing safety efforts in their business by utilization of their items. This shows, consistence with prerequisites and particulars is significant as it helps in ensuring difficulties looked in digital security are settled. Security and information insurance Security of authoritative information is of central and must be kept as a mystery resource for the subject association (SCHU?NEMANN BAUMANN 2017, p. 5). In todays business, information has gotten one of most significant resource since it is being utilized to settle on basic choice with respect to hierarchical tasks and next strategy in business exercises. The fundamental inquiry that has been of concern is, the reason ensure authoritative information more than some other resource of the association? This explanation for information security and insurance is a result of its worth when gotten to by contending firms. CYBERICS et al (2015, p.6) specifies that, information offers upper hand in the market and whenever got to by unapproved individuals, it very well may be utilized to uncover hierarchical operational methodology which may later be utilized to design serious systems against subject association. This settles on associations settle on choices that are more on ensuring informati on as opposed to setting border protection from hierarchical information. In security terms, putting away increasingly touchy data in a single database may mean more damage if an aggressor accesses the framework. A genuine model that numerous associations have been confronting is putting away their clients charge card numbers along with their expiry date. This has been the standard yet with expanding digital security information penetrates far and wide, it has become a significant concern since it has been understood that, when a programmer bargains the framework, heavy false exchanges should be possible (MOORE 2017, p. 198). Further, associating with sites utilizing hierarchical PCs by workers have been uncovering authoritative information in to dangers in light of the fact that once they get associated with these sites, a great deal of data is left. They might be utilized to gather exceptionally delicate data which can be utilized to break into authoritative information. The most issues of worry with association is the means by which to get rid of digital security challenges. Information security difficulties can be tended to by associations by constraining the quantity of individuals who have benefits to get to regions, for example, server rooms and server farms (WONG 2013, p. 25). Having accomplished this, it is essential to put information safety efforts, for example, solid validation and approval measures against unapproved clients of the framework. Generally significant of all angle is executing information encryption measures to make sure about information from its utilization much after aggressors obtain entrance into the framework. Neglecting to scramble information puts it in danger of being undermined for individual addition. Despite the fact that it is a decent measure, the principle issue has been on innovation required to execute such safety efforts. Programmers are progressively gifted and experienced since they are similar technocrats that associations has been utilizing to shield authoritative information (SOTTO 2016, p. 978). Because of wide experience of aptitudes they have, they have been learning different frameworks and their method of activities at that point jettison associations so as to get a decent opportunity to bargain their of target framework. In this manner, with such a large number of slips that exist in information security and assurance of hierarchical information, it has become an incredible test to meet all necessities of making sure about authoritative information from access by programmers from outside and access by unapproved representatives. KHURANA AGGARWAL (2013, p. 168) contends that, information security has become a highest issue and associations are contributing intensely on security of their information like never before. Overseeing outsider information In todays mechanical market, associations host been selecting third gathering administrations, for example, distributed computing administrations so as to decrease cost of overseeing information all alone (TURUK 2016, p. 89). Because of cost associated with overseeing information, going for a third turns into the other option yet the significant issues is on honesty of information. Is the security of information ensured under outsider? Taking a case of cloud administrations, authoritative information is facilitated remotely in the cloud without coming into direct
Friday, August 21, 2020
The view that assisted suicide is an act of compassion Essay Example for Free
The view that helped self destruction is a demonstration of sympathy Essay Helped self destruction can be a demonstration of sympathy since it assuages enormous languishing both over the patient and the family. Feeling that it is absolutely about torment is naã ¯ve, truly at death's door patients dread the loss of autonomy, poise and capacity more than torment. Agony can be overseen, however other backward manifestations can't. While thinking about this issue, utilitarianists consider personal satisfaction just as amount of life. At times helped biting the dust might be important to create the best measure of satisfaction. There is little to be picked up from keeping somebody alive when they are subject to machines to complete essential capacities. At last self destruction is a sad yet reliable good decision. For certain patients killing will be viewed as a definitive articulation of self-sufficiency in that they decide the time and method of their perishing. It might be the main thing left they can control. On the off chance that we reserve the privilege to life it follows that we ought to likewise reserve the option to pass on in our own terms. To drive somebody to keep living without wanting to could be viewed as torment. Society’s sees are changing with respect to helped self destruction, which is shown even by the adjustment in language utilized. The media presently alludes to it as helped passing on, or kindness murdering. In spite of the fact that it stays illicit in the UK, the popular supposition is step by step evolving. Indeed, even a few Christians accept that it very well may be an altruistic demonstration. Paul Badham, an Anglican cleric, composed a book for helped self destruction for both social and monetary reasons. In any case, the Christian Medical Fellowship excused it: â€Å"The exceptionally particular and rare utilization of the Bible, the pick n blend philosophy, the fundamentalist perspective on human self-sufficiency, and the slapdash utilization of Church history don't establish a Christian case at all.†Then again, many accept that helped self destruction isn't a demonstration of sympathy. These perspectives are normally affected by Christian educating. The Bible talks much about God’s control of when we bite the dust, for example, Job 14:5: â€Å"Since his days are resolved, The quantity of his months is with You; And his cutoff points You have set so he can't pass.†There are instances of individuals looking for helped self destruction in the Old Testament, however these solicitations will in general originate from insubordinate characters, for example, Saul. Moreover, in light of the fact that the Bible records an occasion doesn't mean God affirms of it. Christians would rather advance palliative consideration as a superior alternative. Besides, adversaries of helped self destruction frequently refer to the dangerous incline contention. We are slipping into a culture of death. Numerous adversaries would expect that even the strictest of enactment would steadily be opened up until helped self destruction is accessible on request. This has just been seen with premature birth. Enactment that should just permit it in outstanding cases has been updated to a point where it is accessible on request. At long last, helped self destruction isn't a demonstration of empathy since it separates proficient and legitimate standards. Specialists should be preservers of life, not bearers of death. It would change the set of working responsibilities of a specialist. Helped self destruction is in opposition to the Hippocratic pledge, which presents certain moral principles for specialists †including, â€Å"you will practice your specialty only for the fix of your patients.†To finish up, our sentiment on any type of self destruction will rely upon how we see our own bodies. It is safe to say that they are unimportant dispensable apparatuses, or do they have a higher, supernaturally appointed reason? To cite Dignity in Dying, â€Å"An helped biting the dust law would not bring about more individuals kicking the bucket, yet in less individuals suffering.â€
Hugo essays
Hugo expositions Victor Hugo was conceived in Besancon in 1802. He was the child of a military general and a moderate mother. The majority of his adolescence was spent seeking after the battles of the Napoleonic Wars. At the point when Hugo was 16, his folks isolated and Hugo went to live with his mom in Paris. He was both secretly instructed and gone to government funded school. Hugo was an insightful kid and built up a present for composing early. In early puberty, he started to compose refrain catastrophes and verse and deciphered Virgil. Tributes Et Poesies Diverses was Hugo first assortment of verse and it earned Hugo an illustrious benefits of 3,000 francs every year from Louis XVIII. Hugo kept on getting consideration from French Kings. At 23 years old, he was contributed as a Chevalier of the Legion dHonneur. In 1823, Hugo made his introduction as an author with Han DIslande alongside Bug-Jargal in 1826. At this point, Hugo had just hitched Adele Foucher and had a little youngster. In the introduction to Hugos recorded show Cromwell (1827), Hugo argued from opportunity from old style limitations. This supplication was immediately made the statement of the sentimental school. Edits prohibited Hugos second show in 1829, Marion de Lorme. The dramatization depended on the life of a seventeenth century French concubine. Hugo reacted to the boycott with Hernani, a lovely show that was not normal for the shows of the French theater. This show caused an uproar between the classicists and the sentimentalists. Hugos next work was The Hunchback of Notre Dame and it was a moment achievement. The tale is set in fifteenth century Paris and is about a rover, Esmeralda, and a twisted chime ringer, Quasimodo, and his adoration for her. Around this time, Hugo met Juilette Drouer, an on-screen character. She was Hugos special lady for the accompanying 50 years. She was not Hugos just escort but rather she was his generally faithful. She kept in touch with him in any event a letter a day and never lived more distant than strolling good ways from hello ... <!
Saturday, July 11, 2020
ACT Essay Question Samples - Do You Know What They Are?
ACT Essay Question Samples - Do You Know What They Are?Do you know that there are some act essay question samples? This is a topic that has become popular lately because it is rather easy to answer, and also it requires some technical knowledge on the subject. But I am not going to give you the act test that you are required to do, you can always ask for help from your school counselor or study instructor, or find a test center that offers this practice test.The subject of this practice test is actually the same as what you will be asked in your final exam for your major or school. So, if you are a student who would like to know how to answer this type of question then go on reading and understand.You will be given different kinds of questions, they will vary from different subjects and will differ from different curriculum areas. Most people who take their exams in the exam centers will have the ACT exam centers that offer this type of practice test. But the fact remains that you wi ll need the help of a study instructor or teacher to really get an idea of how you are going to answer this specific type of question. Also, you will be given information about the specific time schedule that will be spent studying for the exam.As you can see, there are different types of act essay question samples so you may not be able to understand it right away but at least you will have an idea. You will also be asked to write two essays, one based on a speech and one based on a written document.I want to highlight the different aspect that you will need to understand to answer all of the questions in this sample. It is important that you understand how to use different types of questions and how to use the different forms of answers. For example, in the sample you will be required to write a couple of papers, and you will also be asked to put together your essay based on the information you have already provided.The ACT essay question samples are usually quite difficult for ma ny students to get through, but if you take the time to go through them you will be able to understand just how important it is to write the best essay you can. Plus, you will also learn about the different way to give different answers in different essay types.It is good to realize that the ACT exam is different from the ACT exam centers, but if you want to get an idea of how to answer this type of question, then you can consider having your ACT test center do the preparation for you. They will make sure that you do not get a mistake, and you will also be able to find out what mistakes you are making while doing the test.
Thursday, July 2, 2020
Renewable Energy Sources - Free Essay Example
The 20th century was without doubt the age of fossil fuelsâ€â€oil, in particular. Fossils had been excavated almost throughout the entire history of humanity, but it is the 20th century which brought the scales of the excavation to the limit. Gasoline for vehicles, aircraft, and vessels, fuel for space flights and war machines, heating systemsâ€â€all this and much more works on fossil fuel, even in 2017. However, since the first studies proving that the utilization of fossil fuels makes a huge part of the global warming process, there have been talks about not only regulating its usage, but also about seeking for alternatives to oil, gas, and other sources of energy popular nowadays. Such alternatives are usually called with a generalized term â€Å"renewable sources of energy,†meaning that unlike fossil fuels (which are gradually depleting, and are expected to become exhausted completely by the end of the current century) these new sources will constantly replenish themselves. So, what exactly are renewable sources of energy? There are two terms in regard to the subject which are regularly used nowadays: alternative energy, and renewable energy. The former is a more generalized term, used to describe any energy source that is different from traditional fossil fuels, and which cause little-to-no negative impact on the environment. In its turn, the term â€Å"renewable energy†refers to energy generated with the help of the forces of nature: sun, water, wind, biomass, the inner heat of the Earth (geothermal energy), and so on (PennState Extension). Renewable energy is based not on depletable material, but rather on natural processes that cannot readily disappear if made use of. For example, solar energy is something everyone around the globe has access to; the Sun shines for billion of years with almost the same stability, and it is unlikely that generating energy from its heat and light can do any harm to the star itself. The same goes for windmills, watermills, and so on: instead of working on matt er, alternative sources of energy make use of how the wind blows, or how the water flows, and thus cause much less harm to the environment, and do not exhaust natural resources. Currently, there are several sources from which scientists have learned to accumulate energy: solar energy, hydropower, wind energy, geothermal energy, and bioenergy. Solar energy is created by the light and temperature produced by the Sun. Respectively, there are two types of solar energy: photovoltaic and thermal. The former implies producing electricity from sunlight, using photovoltaic elements, or cells. These cells are combined in large groups, known as solar panels, and put on rooftops, or other surfaces which are constantly being exposed to sunlight. Another way of capturing sunlight in order to produce energy involves using heliostatsâ€â€huge mirrors which reflect and concentrate sunlight, converting it into thermal energy. Heat energy can be later converted into electricity as well (due to steam generation, which then drives steam machines), or can be used in industries that currently utilize gas and other fossils in order to produce heat. The energy outcome from every solar power station is huge, but there are other alternative sources of energy as well. For example, hydropower: free-falling water drives special turbines, which rotate and generate electricity; wind energy is gained in an approximately similar way, except that electric turbines are driven by wind, not water. A more advanced source is ocean energy: by exploiting temperature differences between ocean surfaces and depths, it is possible to produce a vast amount of energy. Tides and waves can serve as secure energy sources as well. Geothermal energy is gained by utilizing the heat of the Earth’s core; finally, bioenergy is gained from processing organic matter: agricultural and forestry products, biological waste, compost, garbage, and other similar substances can be converted into thermal and electric energy (Australian Renewable Energy Agency). Renewable energy is effective in many ways: economically, ecologically, politically, and so on. It is no surprise that many countries around the world have started attempting to substitute or diversify their energy with the help of alternative energy sources. For example, their share in the overall energy consumption in the United States in 2016 already was around 10%. 15% of the electricity generated was from alternative sources of energy. Industries in the United States actively use biofuels and other non-hydroelectric energy sources: their consumption has doubled since 2000 to 2016, and according to estimates of the United States Energy Information Administration, the amount of projects relying on alternative energy sources will only continue to grow (EIA). Other nations actively research and implement renewable energy as well. For example, Sweden is expected to become the first country in the world to completely give up on fossil fuels; the Swedish government has announced this g oal in 2015, causing huge investments into the country’s research and industries connected to renewable energy. Costa Rica was the first country to have reached 99% of its annual energy production solely due to alternative energy sources in 2015. Also in 2015, Denmark became the first country to produce 42% of its electricity with the help of solar turbines. The list of countries heavily developing alternative energy sources includes Morocco, Nicaragua, China, Germany, Scotland, and many others (CleanTechnica). Alternative energy sources have high chances to become the future of humankind’s energy solutions; fossil fuels were necessary at a certain stage of technological and scientific progress, but nowadays, it has become obvious that their extensive usage is not only expensive, but also dangerous for the environment and the health of billions of people around the world. Countries such as Sweden, the United States, Denmark, and several others actively research and implement renewable energy technologies, helping them to produce more electricity and thermal energy due to such sources as the Sun, rivers and waterfalls, ocean tides and waves, biomass, and the heat of the Earth itself. Renewable energy is cleaner, cheaper, and able to completely substitute fossil fuels. When this happens, the whole planet will become a better place to live.
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
My Philosophy Of Nursing Education - 770 Words
My philosophy of nursing education grows out of my philosophy of nursing. Much has been said related to healthcare reform, healthcare globalization, and healthcare delivery. A resounding theme in all of these discussions is the need for nurses to take a position of leadership in the healthcare industry (Institute of Medicine, 2010). I believe nurses, as leaders, are uniquely qualified to bridge the gap between the healthcare industry and a rapidly changing global environment. Nurses are educationally in tune to the proposed changes that are being made, yet sensitive enough to address the needs of individuals affected by these changes. In a global community, nurses advocate for the individual. I believe at the heart of nursing is the provision of care. Caring is the fundamental tenet behind all that we do and say in our relationships with patients. Caring is a value I possess. Caring, is also a trait that must be nurtured and cultivated in all nurses to be therapeutic and of value to patients. Nurse educators facilitate students development of effective care. I believe the profession of nursing is an expression of kindness and connectivity between human beings that creates change in community. The commitment to partner with an individual, family, or population during a time of need and assist them towards healing is what true community is all about. Nurse educators partner with students to further change. I believe nurses facilitate both the restoration andShow MoreRelatedMy Philosophy Of Nursing Education1333 Words  | 6 PagesMy philosophy of nursing education develops out of my philosophy of nursing. They are woven together as I am both a nurse and educator. I don t desire to be one without the other; and, I trust the two together are much more grounded than either one alone. My philosophy of nursing is based off the four concepts of nursing. The four concepts of nursing are person, health, nursing, and environment. My own philosophy of teaching is a result of numerous impacts including background, guideline, a mergingRead More My Personal Philosophy Of Nursing Education1075 Words  | 5 PagesMy Personal Philosophy of Nursing Education My personal philosophy of nursing education is a work in progress as I continue to grow as a nurse, and educator and as a scholar of nursing education. I am not new to the role of nurse or educator, but newer to the role of nursing educator. Nursing is the healing energy of caring, embodied in knowledge and skills. Each person is a unique combination of cognitive and physical energy blended together and infused by spiritual energy. Spiritual energy providesRead MoreNursing : Health Cooperation, And Personal Philosophy Of Nursing Care1339 Words  | 6 PagesPersonal: Philosophy of Nursing Care Introduction Nursing philosophies are used by many institutions and places of employment. It is important that student nurses and nurses read and gain knowledge from their facilities nursing philosophy. Philosophies give the nurse a guideline of how their facility defines the aspects of nursing and what is expected of them as nurses of that facility. It is essential for nurses to go back after they have graduated from nursing school and reread the nursing philosophyRead MoreHistory of Education and Philosophy of Nurse Education1416 Words  | 6 PagesHistory and Philosophy of Nurse Education Amy Allin Capella University Abstract Each educator brings to the academic arena their own personal nursing philosophy that is based on experience and is historic in nature. By studying the history of nursing, the educator is able to guide the student through their education process. As an educator the nurse becomes an extension of one’s own personal philosophy. Nursing theory serves as the foundation on which to develop a personal philosophy and characterizesRead MoreMy Personal Philosophy Of Nursing949 Words  | 4 PagesMy Personal Philosophy of Nursing My inspiration to pursue a career in Nursing began at a young age, after reading the biography of Florence Nightingale. I was in middle school, and intrigued at her courage, and dedication to care for the sick. As I entered college, and into a formal nursing education program, I still viewed nursing as, the care provided to another in need. Without my knowing, I was developing a philosophy of nursing for myself. As the years passed, I began to realize that nursingRead MoreMy Personal Philosophy Of Nursing1330 Words  | 6 PagesMy Personal Philosophy of Nursing The purpose of this essay is to depict the personal philosophy of nursing and any future aspirations I have acquired in my first semester of nursing school. 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Therefore, every value, virtue, norm, composition and beliefs are all originated from the Catholic Church and are thus modified to fit its environmentRead MorePersonal Philosophy of Nursing Essay621 Words  | 3 PagesRunning head: Philosophy of Nursing Philosophy of Nursing Nancho DeChirico University of Phoenix Philosophy of Nursing For as long as I can remember, nursing was a profession that I longed to be a part of because nurses represented the very essence of caring and compassion. After realizing my dream, I found myself working in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) where I developed a personal philosophy and core set of values regarding nursing. â€Å"Philosophies of nursing are statementsRead MoreMy Personal Philosophy Of Nursing1081 Words  | 5 PagesRunning head: PERSONAL PHILOSOPHY OF NURSING 1 PERSONAL PHILOSOPHY OF NURSING 6 Personal Philosophy of Nursing Caroline Thiongo BSN V Millers College of Nursing Abstract This paper explores my personal nursing philosophy that I will convey in my career of nursing. It is my belief that nursing is a commitment to public service and a desire to help those in need. Nursing is a discipline of knowledge acquired both through formal education and through life experiences. The sum of these parts continuesRead MoreMy Personal Philosophy Of Nursing Essay1028 Words  | 5 Pagesinterest in nursing the main reason is the superior nursing care to my family member offered by the US hospitals. My personal philosophy is universal provision of health-care despite one’s background. As a nurse, one is responsible to offer professional services in any environment. I defined person, environment, health and nursing. My four personal philosophy concepts include competence, accountability, compassion and caring. Nursing philosophy is important because of practice, education, administration
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
While Writing My Paper, I Wanted To Carefully Choose My
While writing my paper, I wanted to carefully choose my audience and narrow down the ways in which I could persuade them to approach the problem of underage drinking. I included examples of how underage drinking has developed into a large problem so that it is viewed as being credible. In other words, because many people have been affected by underage drinking in the past, it leads one to believe that the problem has reached a point in which a concrete solution is necessary. I mentioned how certain strategies had been put in place to combat underage drinking, but none of them were seen as being as successful. Therefore, my proposed solution would be seen as something that could be done efficiently and be more effective than previously†¦show more content†¦Putting an End to Underage Drinking Underage drinking has become a major problem in society. It is almost inevitable that a majority of teenagers will choose to drink at a younger age because alcohol has become more a ccessible through the use of fake IDs, and parents have become more willing to provide alcohol to their children in social settings. Once teenagers enter college, they are more susceptible to drink alcohol because of the numerous parties and social experiences that are offered to them, resulting in the constant rise of underage drinking. In order to address underage drinking as a problem in society, I would like to approach an audience of teenagers, specifically college students, and inform them of the consequences that underage drinking implicates. Furthermore, to solve the problem of underage drinking, I would like to offer the solution that the audience should improve their self-control and resist the temptation to consume alcohol to prevent the destruction of their health at a young age. College students have become the largest group of youth to partake in underage drinking. This is because â€Å"adolescence is a time of heightened risk taking, independence seeking, and experimentation, a time when [they] must cope with dramatic changes in their bodies, feelings, perspectives, and environments†(Wilcox). A fairly new college student, such as a freshman or sophomore,Show MoreRelatedWhy I Write A Research Paper900 Words  | 4 Pagesresearch papers, I put off my plan to take my major requirement class and take 39C first. I wanted to learn how to write a proper research paper before I take other classes because one of the major assignment in the major class will be a research paper. Coming to class, I had no idea what to expect and thought we just write the same thing as Writing 39B only with more outside sources. I did not know the difference between research papers and non research papers. It turns out that Writing 39B and WritingRead MoreA Writing Assignme nt For College Students982 Words  | 4 PagesA writing assignment used to mean an easy five-paragraph essay. It was an essay that students mastered and could complete in an hour. Unfortunately, that is no longer the case and we are now assigned papers with a requirement of at least five pages. Throughout the past week, I have asked several classmates about their assignments, specifically, about their writing process. From there, I noticed that several students did one thing similar†¦they all gave up after just an hour or so. While, I am noRead MoreSemester in English 102994 Words  | 4 Pagesthere is still room for improvement. I made much improvement during the semester of the class. I was able to identify my weaknesses. I learned how to make improvements to the areas I was having problems in. Although each essay we did was different I was able to begin with one essay and throughout the semester turn it into two other essays. I was able to change my style of writing t o fit the type of audience I was working with. I will continue to work on my writing and keep improving it. As we workedRead MoreFeedback And A Student s Motivation Essay967 Words  | 4 Pageshanded with the notorious red pen. But, without feedback students will be unable to improve in writing, feedback is essential though the students realize that or not, it is meant to inform the students about their strengths and weaknesses on an assignment not them personally. In order to become effective in giving feedback the teacher needs to encourage the students on their writing skills by carefully identifying what is strong in their essay and what needs improvement, and also making sure theRead MoreWriting And Research Skills With Outlines And The Social Media990 Words  | 4 PagesAs I reflect on my composition II class, there are numerous projects and units that were helpful. I improved writing and research skills with outlines and the social media summary. I was exposed to Hawkeye s Smartthinking student resource center, and utilized the LOL...OMG! discussion boards. I will be discussing these various parts of the class and expressing my opinion on them. I believe the works cited padded outline, along with the social media summary, really helped me grow as a writer andRead MoreLearning the Process of Writing in a First-Year Composition Course1601 Words  | 7 PagesI entered my first-year college composition course believing I was equipped with the knowledge, skill, and ability to write an efficiently researched and well-organized essay. In high school, I learned how to create the traditional five-paragraph paper with its introduction of a thesis, explanation of that claim through three sections riddled with supporting quotes, and conclusion that restated the author’s substantiated statement. This was the prescribed formula I had learned and grown accustomedRead MoreBenefits Of A Healthy Meal1689 Words  | 7 PagesWhen I was a little girl, I swore that I was going to be a princess. Every night, at dinner I would sit at the table with my Cinderella costume to a typical American meal. My family wasn’t fat from o ur greasy meals, we were just unhealthy. I think what first made me consider to change my unrealistic dream was the day my mother decided to make a change for the family. I, of course was not all that pleased to sit down to a plate full of veggies, but our family life was transforming. My mother startedRead MoreMy Experience At The Wyoming Girls School And Casa1555 Words  | 7 PagesAfter high school I thought I knew exactly what I wanted to do. I went to college thinking that I would pursue my degree in child psychology and live happily ever after. Soon after starting school I realized that while I thought it to be interesting, it wasn’t something I wanted to pursue for the rest of my life. I foundered; I had no direction. I knew that whatever my career was going to be, it needed to be centered around children. Years later, I had the opportunity to work at the Wyoming GirlsRead MoreThe Process As A Writer1939 Words  | 8 Pagesas I demonstrate growth. There are four papers I wrote this semester, the original and the revised one that I improved according to the instruction and feedback I received over the course of the semester. From unit one to unit four, there is a significant improve in my writing. With the feedback of each paper, I realized which areas I needed to improve and do better on the next paper. The help from writing lab also made me a better writer, but there still much more I need to improve because I amRead MoreThe Tempest By William Shakespeare Essay1215 Words  | 5 Pagesafter being exiled on an island for twelve years. While reading The Tempest, it is hard not to notice the ambivalence of the character of Prospero. Consequently, the character’s motivation and subsequent characteristics are solely defined by the reader. Typically, Prospero is seen as driven by either revenge or redemption. This divide predominately shapes the view of his character as a whole, and in turn the view of the whole play. This paper will demonstrate that, though there are many ways to
Informative Speech Outline on Alcatraz - 1081 Words
* Alcatraz Informative Speech Outline General Purpose: To inform the class Specific Purpose: To describe to the audience a brief history of Alcatraz. Thesis: Alcatraz has been a popular social topic because of the mystery that surrounds it and the stories exaggerated in movies and television shows. INTRODUCTION I. If you disobey the rules of society, they send you to prison; if you disobey the rules of the prison, they send you to Alcatraz. II. Alcatraz has been a popular social topic because of the mystery that surrounds it and the stories of mistreatment and escape attempts exaggerated in movies and television shows. III. Alcatraz served as the federal government’s response to post-prohibition America. Both the institution†¦show more content†¦At Alcatraz, there was not special treatment for any inmate, though many tried. C. As quoted in a report by the Bureau of Prisons, †¦Ã¢â‚¬ Alcatraz served an important purpose in taking the strain off the older and greatly overcrowded institutions†¦ since it enabled us to move the smaller, closely guarded escape artists, the big-time racketeers†¦ and those who needed protection from other groups†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Now that you know the kind of prisoners that were sent to Alcatraz, II. I will discuss life on the island and as an inmate in the prison. A. Each prisoner received a copy of the Rules and Regulations for the Government†¦ Correctional Institutions as well as a copy of the warden’s special rules that explained the daily routine of work and counts. The inmates were awakened at 6:30am to begin their day. They were required to clean up themselves and their cell and required to shave three times a week. B. Alcatraz was to be operated on the principle of very limited privileges to inmates. The privilege of visitors had to be earned, and mail privileges were limited. They each held jobs within the prison in the tailor shop, laundry, cobblers shop, model shop, gardening, or help with the food prep in the mess hall. C. Contrary to what the movies portray, there were no experiments made on the prisoners, and the inmates that were transferred there were already twisted and disturbed; Alcatraz didn’t turn them into monsters. There was however, a dungeon thatShow MoreRelatedInformative Speech Outline on Alcatraz Essay1090 Words  | 5 Pages* Alcatraz Informative Speech Outline General Purpose: To inform the class Specific Purpose: To describe to the audience a brief history of Alcatraz. Thesis: Alcatraz has been a popular social topic because of the mystery that surrounds it and the stories exaggerated in movies and television shows. INTRODUCTION I. If you disobey the rules of society, they send you to prison; if you disobey the rules of the prison, they send you to Alcatraz. II. Alcatraz has been a popular social topicRead MoreInformative Speech on Alcatraz1097 Words  | 5 PagesInformative Speech Outline General Purpose: To inform the class Specific Purpose: To describe to the audience a brief history of Alcatraz. Thesis: Alcatraz has been a popular social topic because of the mystery that surrounds it and the stories exaggerated in movies and television shows. INTRODUCTION I. If you disobey the rules of society, they send you to prison; if you disobey the rules of the prison, they send you to Alcatraz. II. Alcatraz has been a popular social topic because of the
Casablanca Essay Example For Students
Casablanca Essay The hero in a film is the character that seeks something, in Casablanca is not entirely clear who this is; it is most probably Rick Blaine played by Humphrey Bogart, though it seems in parts that it could be Victor Laslo (Paul Henreid) or Isla (Ingrid Bergman). Laslo isnt followed enough to make him the hero and Isla seems like the hero though in the end she asks Rick to make all the decisions, which puts her more in the background than you would expect the hero to be. Rick Blaine at the start of the film is really not seeking anything, which makes it less clear that he is the hero, however I think this is because the anger he feels because Isla abandoned him. It is only later, when he resolves these bitter feelings he holds within, that his goals resurface. Major Strasser (Conrad Veidt) represents the villain, who is against the hero, but Renault (Claude Rains) at times also acts as a villain (his manipulation of women in need of a exit visa, for instance). The donor, who provides an object that has some magic property, is Ugati, who provides Rick with the letters of transit. The dispatcher, who sends the hero on his way by providing a message, is hard to define, Renault kind of fills the role, as he tells Rick of Laslos dilemma, and Rick seems impressed by Laslo, but alternatively it seems more likely to be the injustice that Rick feels the Germans are guilty of, that acts as the dispatcher. The helper, who aids the hero, at times this is Renault, he vouches for Rick to Strasser, he goes along with Ricks plan, and he covers for him after he kills Strasser. On occasions though, Renault also acts against Rick, for example when he phones Strasser instead of the airport. Rick however had placed him in a very dangerous position at this point; so overall I would still say he was Ricks helper. The princess, who acts as reward for the hero and as object of the villains scheming, is physically portrayed by Isla, but the reward really seems to be that Rick is given back his faith in life and love. Her father, who acts to reward the hero for his efforts, is Ricks knowledge that he has sacrificed for the greater good. Also Renault, because he admires what Rick has done rewards him by not having him arrested. Casablanca also fits well into Tzvetan Todorovs theories of Equilibrium and disequilibrium, the theory that a narrative is a fictional environment, which begins with a state of equilibrium (all is how it should be) which then suffers some disruption (disequilibrium), before a new equilibrium is produced at the end of the story. There are in fact five transformations through which an event can pass, as Casablanca is both a love story and a thriller you can take either one of these and apply Todorovs theories to it.
Oral History Language and Dialogue
Question: Discuss about the Oral History for Language and Dialogue. Answer: Experiences and ideas are shared through interaction with different people who have lived and come across varying circumstances in the environment. The ability to give an account of experiences depends on the memories that people have of past and present occurrences in their lives. An excellent account of a situation is reflected when people trigger their minds and memories about their past, which result in opening up and giving details of events. Sharing of information entails presentation of either imaginary or real stories that could be based on an individuals tastes or feelings about issues. The oral history theory provides tools that can help one perform better in interview sessions and when gathering or sharing information. The interview was done on 28th March 2017 at Sports Motors dealer shop between Mohammed Alshahrani-the interviewer and Mustafa-the interviewee who was engaged to give details of his endeavor to migrate from his home country Iraq to London and then eventually to Canada. The interview session is structured to find out the feelings of the narrator about his past experiences as an immigrant, the challenges he faced and achievements made from the bold steps he took. Questions about the past life of the narrator are aimed at stimulating memories for him to reveal what was neither documented nor known before. Questions elicited different memories to Mustafa who points out that the decision to leave his home country was not easy because he was used to the way of life in Iraq so relocating to other places meant he had to adapt to changes and the new environment. First, he was disturbed by the issue of stereotype in the foreign countries he settled, the general assumptions that residents of the host country made about him by race and color. The perception that people have of Iraq leans on the notion that its citizens are radicals without bearing in mind that people have a different character. Secondly, the insensitivity of individuals to treat others by origin rather than individual character is a negative aspect in a society which causes discrimination, because of the failure to recognize that people are unique. As an immigrant, Mustafa highlights that he was discriminated and treated inhumanely because of his race. Transition to adopt new cultures of different countries was a challenge, ha ving been used to the norms in Iraq. Culture shock is often experienced when people move to regions with different lifestyles (Levine, (2007). Getting used to new weather and environment always took time. Despite the negative issues that he experienced as an immigrant in London and Canada, Mustafa outlines that some benefits accompanied his immigration. In the process of adapting to the new environment, he was able to embrace diversity to suit in the standard style of the regions he lived. Learning of different culture enabled him to accept and respect the cultures of others. The conflicts he encountered was a milestone to learn on how to handle different situations especially treating foreigners who have to learn new ways of life and feel accepted as unique individuals by their character and motives. Oral history is built on four elements as Abrams (2010), explains; the interview, the recording of that interview, the interview transcription and the interpretation of the interview data. They all determine the effectiveness of information gathered from oral history. The interview with Mustafa is anchored on the premise of the context and memory of his past, Norrick (193-215). He highlights during the interview that immigration has challenges basing his argument on his personal experience. The period of discrimination as a result of stereotyping and negative perception of his race was a weak moment. His story is out of my experience and what he explains is an issue that many other people go through, but it is never hard because they are not asked to open up in their personal life. From Mustafas narration, an understanding of the past behavior that people had towards immigrants is established and related to the situation in society today. Although stereotyping and discrimination by r ace and religion still exist in society today, more people understand the pain and depression that immigrants are subjected to by such unfortunate behavior, Pinto (189-207). The biographical approach that the interview takes helps to get details of the individual account of experiences and feelings that Mustafa holds of the past. The narrator presents his story with attached emotions from the past which is provoked by dialogue with the interviewee, Nielsen Iva (54-71). Abrams, (2010), highlights that the effectiveness of an interview is determined by the social relationship of those involved in the dialogue. Questions that touch on the personal life of an individual stimulate different responses, Layman (207-230). The new environment in foreign countries caused cultural shock because there were changes in a lifestyle different from what Mustafa was used to in Iraq. The narrative reflects on the cultural impact that immigration had in his life, adapting to new ways of life to fit in those societies. The feeling attached to London and Canada is different because of the various experiences he had and the variations of time spent in each of these areas. In Canada, where Mustafa has a Sports Motor shop, the experience and change to his life are evidently better than In London, and he feels his endeavors in foreign countries has bore fruit. Experiences vary with time and depend on changes in society, so reflecting on the past should focus on a specific issue that addresses a particular lifetime of an individual for relevant information to be gathered, Tamm (458-473). Describing Mustafa in a portrait has to bring out the element of his achievements in Canada, so a picture of his Sports Motor shop should be put behind the portrait to show that he has managed to use his opportunities outside his home country despite the many challenges. Another essential element to include in the picture is the passport that shows he is an immigrant in Canada and the number of years he has been living there so that his experience outside Iraq is in no doubt. Oral history is a real story that requires tangible evidence to show somebodys past to make it believable, Grele(353-359). The portrait will also have him with the Muslim cap on, to show how staunch he is to his religion despite relocating to from Iraq. Documenting oral history is most effective when done on a biographical approach because the information is obtained from a source with first-hand information out of personal experience. Getting information from individuals who went through a situation helps in attaching feelings that no other person could connect like in the case of the interview with Mustafa who is the case study. The course on oral history has led to the understanding that memories have value in themselves even if they are distorted or mistaken because they instill hope in outcomes of events and share personal experiences through emotions and feelings that are attached to information Yow, (156-158). Copyright and data protection legislation provides guidelines for accurate gathering and archiving of oral history information for future use by scholars and researchers. Since oral history is for the interest of the future, memorizing the past and telling it out as personal experience is necessary for social contributi on, Lopez-Menendez (87-91). Through oral history, a perspective of the past is outlined to provide the basis for making decisions in the present and the future. References Abrams, Lynn. "Oral History Theory."London. Routledge, 2010, Grele, R. J. "Oral History Theory."Oral History Review, vol 38, no. 2, 2011, pp. 354-359.Oxford University Press (OUP), doi:10.1093/ohr/ohr059. Layman, L. "Reticence In Oral History Interviews."Oral History Review, vol 36, no. 2, 2009, pp. 207-230.Oxford University Press (OUP), doi:10.1093/ohr/ohp076. Levine, Irene S. "Mind Matters: Culture Shock."Science, 2007,American Association For The Advancement Of Science (AAAS), doi:10.1126/science.caredit.a0700054. Lopez-Menendez, Marisol. "Memory, Faith, and Social Action."International Journal OfPolitics, Culture, And Society, vol 21, no. 1-4, 2008, pp. 87-91.Springer Nature, doi:10.1007/s10767-008-9036-6. Nielsen, Helle, and Ivar Lynne. "Adding Action to the Interview: Conceptualizing An Interview Approach Inspired By Action Research Elements."Action Research, vol 14, no. 1, 2016, pp. 54-71.SAGE Publications, doi:10.1177/1476750315573591. Norrick, Neal R. "Remembering For Narration and Autobiographical Memory."Language And Dialogue, vol 2, no. 2, 2012, pp. 193-215.John Benjamins Publishing Company, doi:10.1075/ld.2.2.02nor. Pinto, Sarah. "Emotional Histories and Historical Emotions: Looking At The Past In Historical Novels."Rethinking History, vol 14, no. 2, 2010, pp. 189-207.Informa UK Limited, doi:10.1080/13642521003710748. Tamm, Marek. "Beyond History and Memory: New Perspectives In Memory Studies."History Compass, vol 11, no. 6, 2013, pp. 458-473.Wiley-Blackwell, doi:10.1111/hic3.12050. Yow, V. "Oral History and Public Memories."Oral History Review, vol 36, no. 1, 2009, pp. 156-158.Oxford University Press (OUP), doi:10.1093/ohr/ohp032.
Thursday, April 23, 2020
John Quincy Adams Was Born In 1767 In Braintree (now Quincy), Massachu
John Quincy Adams was born in 1767 in Braintree (now Quincy), Massachusetts, and was the second child of two children. He was the sixth president of the United States, and devoted his life to serving the people. Of the 81 years he lived, 50 were spent in public office. His service ended only with his death at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C. Adam's career of public service was one of the most varied in the colonies. He served as a diplomat, senator, secretary of state, president, and, for the last 17 years of his life, member of the House of Representatives. During the war of 1763 between France and Great Britain, some Americans followed Thomas Jefferson and urged support of France, but members of the Federalist (anti-Jefferson) party wanted an alliance between the U.S. and Great Britain. President Washington did not listen to either side and stated that America be neutral and not choose sides. As news of the president's ideas spread, more of the citizens began to support Washington less. Though the president was harshly seen, an anonymous author, using the pen name Publicola, published a series of articles in a Boston newspaper that was read throughout the nation. The articles sided with Washington's views and soon everyone began to agree with Washington's ideas. Soon, president Washington found out that Publicola was actually John Quincy Adams. Thus, Adams was appointed as diplomatic representative to the Netherlands. While serving in the Netherlands, Adams married Louisa Catherine Johnson and had 3 sons with her. The year after his father was defeated for reelection in 1800, John Quincy returned to Boston to practice law. In 1802, the Federalist Party leaders in Massachusetts helped him become elected to senate because of his past diplomatic records. Shortly afterward, in 1803, the Federalists in the state legislature elected him senator of Massachusetts. He disagreed heavily with the other senators in many issues such as the purchase of Louisiana and the passing of the Embargo Act. Later in 1808, several months before his term was up, the Massachusetts legislature elected another senator to replace him so Adams resigned. He then resumed his diplomatic career in 1809 when President James Madison appointed him U.S. diplomatic representative to Russia. Adams became an important asset to foreign relations, as Russia was the only European outlet for trade at that time. In 1817, John was called back to the U.S. to become secretary of state in the cabinet of James Monroe. It became a difficult time for him because Spain was having conflicts in Florida. Many hostile groups such as the Seminole Indians, runaway slaves, and outlaws began to cross the U.S. border and Spain was required by treaty to stop them from crossing. Spain failed to do so, so U.S. captured certain cities in Florida. This caused conflict between the U.S. and the Seminoles so the U.S. burned a Seminole village. This caused the Seminoles to retaliate and start the First Seminole War. John Quincy Adams called for General Andrew Jackson to stop the Seminoles and he did by capturing more Florida cities. But, he executed 2 British soldiers and this caused heavy tension between Spain, Great Britain, and the U.S. So, Adams told Spain to either subdue the enemies or to cede to the U.S. Spain, after many revolts causing loss of power and many negotiations, agreed to the demands of Adams and Florida ceded to the U.S. Also, Adams secured another important concession from Spain. This was the western boundary of Louisiana , which was never agreed upon by the Louisiana Purchase where U.S. gained Louisiana. Acting on his own and not by the orders of the government, John persuaded Spain to agree that Louisiana ran all the way to the Pacific Ocean. This was a major asset because now America stretched from ocean to ocean. Later, Adams ran for president of the U.S. and won becoming the sixth president. This was not easily won, though. When the Electoral College voted for the candidates, none of them received a majority vote. So, by the 12th Amendment, the House was to vote for the 3 candidates with the most votes. John Quincy became one of the 3 candidates because he had received
Friday, April 17, 2020
Example of Sample Essay About Myself
Example of Sample Essay About MyselfWhen writing an example of sample essay about myself, it is important to incorporate my values and traits. While all of us have good and bad qualities, we need to write about ourselves from the perspective of a neutral observer. For example, if I am writing an essay about myself about a good trait, I will write 'What is my quality?'As stated above, descriptive is used when describing a particular thing that we want to convey or write about. I like descriptive writing because it is clear and concise. It is also helps with making the message short and sweet.There are also pros and cons to both types of writing. If your goal is to communicate yourself more, writing from the perspective of a neutral observer is best.When writing about yourself as a person, it is important to describe yourself from a personal angle. With this type of writing, you will be able to show how you operate and what kind of person you are. You will also be able to showcase your personality and build rapport with your readers.When you focus on yourself and your personal traits, it will make it easier for the reader to relate to you. This is especially helpful for readers who are not familiar with the writer.If you are writing an essay about yourself, there are several ways to frame your thoughts. One of the most important things to remember is that you should always give them a concrete example to go on.A different story should be told in order to keep the reader's attention. The last thing you want to do is bore the reader.Lastly, while you want to keep the message short and sweet, you also want to make sure the reader is comfortable. If they feel that your essay is too long or too confusing, they will quickly lose interest. Keeping in mind these three elements will help you achieve great results.
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Understanding Iridium Flares
Understanding Iridium Flares Our night skies are packed full of stars and planets to observe on a dark night. However, there are more objects closer to home that observers plan on seeing every so often. These include the International Space Station (ISS) and numerous satellites. The ISS appears as a slow-moving high-altitude craft during its crossings. Many people often mistake it for a very high-flying jet. Most satellites look like dimmer points of light moving against the backdrop of stars. Some satellites appear to move east to west, while others are in polar orbits (moving nearly north-south). They generally take a little longer to cross the sky than the ISS does. A pair of Iridium satellites flaring. Jupiter is to the right and the bright star Arcturus is to the lower left. Jud McCranie, Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0. There are thousands of artificial satellites around Earth, in addition to thousands of other objects such as rockets, reactor cores, and pieces of space debris (sometimes referred to as space junk). Not all of them can be seen with the naked eye. Theres a whole collection of objects called Iridium satellites that can look very bright during certain times of day and night. Glints of sunlight bouncing from them are referred to as Iridium flares and for years they have been observed fairly easily. Many people probably have seen an iridium flare and simply not known what they were looking at. It also turns out that other satellites can show these glints, although most are not as bright as the iridium flares. Whats Iridium? Satellite phone or pager users are major users of the Iridium satellite constellation. The constellation is a set of 66 orbiting stations that provide global telecommunications coverage. They follow highly inclined orbits, which means that their paths around the planet are close to (but not quite) from pole to pole. Their orbits are roughly 100 minutes long and each satellite can link to three others in the constellation. The first Iridium satellites were planned to be launched as a set of 77. The name Iridium comes from the element iridium, which is number 77 in the periodic table of the elements. It turns out that 77 were not needed. Today, the constellation is used largely by the military, as well as other clients in the airline and air traffic control communities. Each Iridium satellite has a spacecraft bus, solar panels, and a set of antennae. The first generations of these satellites go around Earth in roughly 100-minute orbits at a speed of 27,000 kilometers per ho ur. The History of Iridium Satellites Satellites have been orbiting Earth since the late 1950s when Sputnik 1 was launched. It soon became obvious that having telecommunication stations in low-Earth orbit would make long-distance communications much easier and so countries began launching their own satellites in the 1960s. Eventually, companies got involved, including the Iridium Communications corporation. Its founders came up with the idea of a constellation of stations in orbit in the 1990s. After the company struggled to find customers and eventually went bankrupt, the constellation is still in operation today and its current owners are planning a new generation of satellites to replacing the aging fleet. Some of the new satellites, called Iridium NEXT, have already been launched aboard SpaceX rockets and more will be sent to space to orbits that will likely not produce as many flares as the older generation has. What Is an Iridium Flare? As each Iridium satellite orbits the planet, it has a chance to reflect sunlight toward Earth from its triad of antennae. That flash of light as seen from Earth is called an Iridium flare. It looks very much like a meteor flashing through the air very rapidly. These brilliant events can happen up to four times a night and can get as bright as -8 magnitude. At that brightness, they can be spotted in the daytime, although its much easier to see them at night or in twilight. Observers can often spot the satellites themselves crossing the sky, just as they would any other satellite. Looking for an Iridium Flare It turns out that Iridium flares can be predicted. This is because the satellite orbits are well known. The best way to find out when to see one to use a site called Heavens Above, which keeps track of many known bright satellites, including the Iridium constellation. Simply enter your location and get a feel for when you might see a flare and where to look for it in the sky. The website will give the time, brightness, location in the sky, and length of the flare for as long as they continue to occur. Saying Goodbye to Iridium Flares Over the next few years, many of the low-orbiting Iridium satellites that have been reliably producing flares will be decommissioned. The next generation of satellites wont be producing such flares as reliably as the old ones did due to their orbital configurations. So, it may be that Iridium flares could become a thing of the past. Fast Facts Iridium flares are caused by sunlight glinting from the surfades of low-orbiting Iridium satellites.Such flares can be very bright and last only a few seconds.As new generations of Iridium satellites are being put into higher orbits, Iridium flares may become a thing of the past.
Saturday, February 29, 2020
Analysing The Impact Of Terrorism On Kenya Tourism Essay
Analysing The Impact Of Terrorism On Kenya Tourism Essay The U.S. Department of State defines terrorism as â€Å"premeditated, politically motivated violence perpetrated against non-combatant targets by sub-national groups or clandestine agents, usually intended to influence an audience.†Likewise, as terrorism against tourists often involves international citizens, international terrorism is defined as â€Å"terrorism involving citizens or the territory of more than one country.†WHY DO TERRORISTS TARGET KENYA? Geographic location, poverty and unstable neighbours are some key elements that have contributed to past terrorist attacks faced by Kenya. Kenya’s unique geographic location acts as a passageway from the Middle East and South Asia to East Africa and beyond. Therefore, Kenya had to cater for the many activities that would now exist because of this pathway so an extensive seaport was constructed as well as two international airports, one in Mombassa and one in Nairobi along with rail, road and communication infr astructure. With these additions, travel and entry into and around Kenya is quite easy and usually obscure due to its penetrable borders coupled with its surrounding neighbours and unmonitored coastline. In particular, the Arabs in Kenya that occupy the coastal areas are closely linked to the Arabs in the Middle East as they both share a common religion and language. This has made it quite convenient for terrorist to blend into the community. For these reasons, Kenya is a preferred choice for terrorist to strike. DISCUSSION ON TERRORISM’S IMPACT ON THE HOSPITALITY all of the 330 staff had their salaries reduced, including Dunford the chairman (National Geographic 2010).
Thursday, February 13, 2020
Rhetorical_analysis_assignment_description Essay
Rhetorical_analysis_assignment_description - Essay Example Benjamin states that the conflicting idea between works of art is an indication that art is thriving in the economy and he uses some persuasive strategy to make his points clear. The rhetorical elements used in Walter Benjamin’s analysis shall be established in this paper in terms of logos, ethos and pathos. Benjamin’s Appeal to Logos Walter Benjamin’s use of solid theoretical background, which paves the way for his forthcoming arguments, is a clear indication of how he appeals to logos. Benjamin did not just make points without giving concrete evidence to back these points and his ability to do this shows that he tried to persuade his readers through his use of logical reasoning that would induce some sort of cognitive response from readers. Thus, Walter Benjamin’s analysis is effective in the sense that it appeals to logic. Benjamin makes his hypothesis as clear as possible as he uses it as a basis to develop a solid theory on the subject matter and this shows the effectiveness in his writing. Benjamin’s appeal to logos is also clear from his explanation of the theoretical framework that his study is built around. The fact that Benjamin explained the reproducible nature of a work of art, how it is reproduced in a capitalistic society, and what the meaning of this whole process of reproducing a work of art in the beginning of his essay is a clear sign of how he appeals to logos in his writing. Benjamin’s ability to differentiate between the replicas of art works made by craftsmen and replicas made by mechanical reproduction and his use of these theoretical frameworks to form the basis of his argument shows his appeal to logos. Thus, Walter Benjamin’s analysis is effective in terms of its appeal to logic. Benjamin’s ability to draw from historical analogies gives his audience the required information they need and clears the way for him to develop his arguments and concepts on the subject matter. By this a ct of rhetorical induction, a logical infrastructure is laid down by the writer which would ultimately lead the readers into a new realm of thought. All the historical facts presented by him are established facts and the only thing that he has done to prove his point is to put them in their places as if unraveling a mystery. This further emphasizes the effectiveness of Benjamin’s analysis as it is logical in all ramifications. Benjamin’s Appeal to Ethos Walter Benjamin’s open-minded presentation shows the author’s credibility as he is unbiased in his presentation and this is one of the ways that his analysis appeals to ethos. Benjamin uses a language that is appropriate to the audience and the subject alike as he is careful enough not to use words that would be too complex for the audience to grasp their real meaning. This is an essential rhetorical element that Benjamin uses in his analysis and it would make the readers willing to read what Benjamin has to say. The difference in value that exists between the works of art and its mechanical reproduction is something that the readers are also aware of and this is actually one of the ways that Benjamin respected the values and ideas of his esteemed readers. Benjamin could
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Marketing management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Marketing management - Essay Example Effective segmenting, targeting and positioning are the key to successfully gaining customers by forming a good perception of the product in the mind of the customer. This report aims to develop appropriate segmentation and targeting strategies for â€Å"Natura†range of herbal beauty care products being launched by Janelle Inc., a US based company operating in the cosmetics and beauty care product industry. The report will also outline the positioning objective of the new product line and design a positioning strategy, which will aid the achievement of the set objectives. Lastly, the different marketing mix strategies which needs to be deployed as the product progress in the product life cycle will also be discussed along with an outline of key competitive strategies which the product will be using in competing in the long run. Janelle Inc. is a medium scale business operation incorporated in 1992, to cater to the US beauty care market. The company markets under two main brands – Janelle and Cleo, which is aimed at two different market segments. Janelle products are targeting the younger consumer base aged 18- 35 and mainly consisting of cosmetic items and few skin care products while the Cleo which is a more exclusive and upmarket product offered at the 35 + market segment, includes an extensive skin and hair care range along with cosmetics. In a recent market survey, the company realised that there is a substantial market interest in natural beauty care products, mainly in the 30+ age category. Based on this information, Janelle has decided to launch a new Herbal Beauty care product line. The company has formed an alliance with a reputed and well-established Herbal beauty care manufacturer in India, which manufactures for an exclusive cosmetic brand in the UK market. The new product line will be branded â€Å"Naturaâ€
Friday, January 24, 2020
Ethnocentrism And Cultural Relativity Essay example -- essays research
It is always troublesome not to understand another culture, especially, in New York City where we live in a society that is rapidly changing. The City has increasingly brought people of various cultures, to interact closer with each other. This interaction can be either positive or negative depending on the level of sensitivity and respect people have for other culture groups. These two types of behaviors are related to two important concepts known as ethnocentrism and cultural relativity. Ethnocentrism is â€Å"the attitude of prejudice or mistrust towards outsiders that may exist within a group (in-group) in relation to other (out-group)††¦. (Harper-Collin Dictionary of Sociology). Importantly, there are also three levels of ethnocentrism: a positive one, a negative one, and an extreme negative one. The positive definition defines ethnocentrism as â€Å"the point of view that one’s own way of life is to be preferred to all others†(Herskovits 1973: 21). There is nothing wrong with such feelings, because â€Å"it characterizes the way most individuals feel about their own cultures, whether or not they verbalize their feelings†(Herskovits 1973:21). It is this point of view that gives people their sense of people-hood, group identity, and place in history. Ethnocentrism becomes negative when â€Å" one’s own group becomes the center of everything, and all other are scaled and rated with reference to it†(Herskovits 1973:21) . It reaches extreme negative form when â€Å"a more powerful group not only i...
Thursday, January 16, 2020
About Revenge Essay Essay
If there is one thing that has been prevalent since human interaction began, it is the concept of revenge. Everyone has a moment in their life where someone does them wrong, and they want nothing more than to get back at the person who is responsible. While this reaction is completely normal, the results of actually acting on these feelings usually end badly for everyone involved. One of the main reasons that revenge does not typically end well is because once all is said and done, the past can not be changed. â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado†, like many other stories, is focused on the theme of revenge, which is a feeling everyone is familiar with and is something that almost always ends badly. One of the more prominent stories about revenge comes from Edgar Allan Poe, a very well known author recognized mainly for his dark story writing. His story, â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado†, is an interesting tale about a man who feels insulted and seeks revenge. Essentially, the ma in character, Montressor, feels that he has been insulted by his apparent hated enemy, Fortunato, and as a result he leaves Fortunato tied up in the Montressor family’s catacombs to die. In this story, many things are left unclear. For one thing, it is never told what exactly Fortunato did to exact this revenge. This means that his â€Å"insult†could be anything, and the punishment for his ‘crime’ in this story goes to show the length that people are willing to go to get revenge on someone who has wronged them. One thing to note in this story is that the narrator is never caught for his crime. Although â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado†is a good story about revenge, it is not Edgar Allan Poe’s only story that relates to the subject. Another one of his stories that focuses on revenge is â€Å"Hop-Frog.†â€Å"Hop-Frog†tells the tale of a dwarf and his female companion, Trippetta, who are taken as prisoners from their homes and brought to be entertainment for a king that is very appreciative of humor. The story ends with Hop-Frog and his companion getting revenge upon the king for striking Trippetta and his mindless council by burning them alive in front of a crowd of people at a masquerade party. The main difference between this story and â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado†is that there is a lot more information to go off of. For one thing, it is made very clear why Hop-Frog wants to get revenge upon the king. One similarity between â€Å"Hop-Frog†and â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado†is that in neither story do the people achieving revenge have anything bad happen to them as a result. In both stories, it is apparent that the characters get away with their deeds. â€Å"Hop-Frog†brings a sense of joy in that Hop-Frog and Trippetta get away, but it leaves the viewer wondering if what they did was right. Even so, wanting revenge is a natural feeling after being wronged, and there are deeper, psychological effects revolving around these feelings as well. An article by Stillwell, Baumeister, and Del Priore says that, â€Å"The discrepancies between how different people see the same event may contribute to such seemingly inequitable outcomes.†(253). What this means is that many times, people see different things when looking at the same situation, and as a result, one person can be left less satisfied with the results than the other person. For example, one person may view a prank as a minor thing and laugh it off, while the person who was pranked may view it as something that really rubbed them the wrong way and is something that they want to get back at the other person for. â€Å"When people are hurt or angered by another person they may try to restore equity to the relationship.†(Stillwell, Baumeister, and Del Priore 253). This means that when someone feels wronged, they feel like they have to make the relationship even again. Needless to say, some people will act on their feelings, and naturally some cases of revenge can go wrong. There are a bunch of cases in the news about how someone tries to take revenge upon someone else. For the most part they end badly, which would make sense considering they ended up in the news. One case of revenge gone wrong occurred in New Port Richey, Florida when a seventeen year old turned a corner too fast and crashed into a few parked cars and a house in what was meant to be a simple attempt to throw eggs at her ex-boyfriend’s car. The end result was thousands of dollars worth of property damage and a citation for careless driving ( As with this story and many others, revenge likely occurred because of a bad relationship break up. There are countless cases where someone seeks revenge on an ex-partner and ends up doing something fundamentally worse than the actual breakup. In a similar case, I interviewed a friend of mine who wishes to remain anonymous about a time that he seeked revenge. As with many cases of revenge, his was the result of a relationship gone bad. It was directed towards an ex-girlfriend who had recently began dating one of his close friends. After the break up, he was crushed. He took it very personally when his ex-girlfriend began dating one of his close friends. As a result, he ended up making threats against the new boyfriend and harassing his ex-girlfriend by hacking all of her social media accounts and deleting them. The end result of his actions lead to a sit down between the group, which resulted with the possibility of harassment charges. In his case, he got lucky, but it could have ended much worse had they chosen to press charges. Since then he has made the decision that it would be best for him and for them if he just cut them out of his life for the time being, so that is what he is doing. Relationship break ups are rarely mutual, and if they are it usually does not stay that way for long, with one person ending up regretting the decision more than they thought they would. This case goes to show that acting on feelings of revenge is not good for anyone. Of course having a successful act of revenge towards someone may feel very satisfying at first, but in the long run people tend to reminisce about the initial event and it leaves them feeling just as bad as they did when it happened. Something that many people should learn is that there is no way to change the past. There will always be a v oid in the mind when thinking about what happened. â€Å"Revenge is a doomed attempt to eliminate shame and increase stature by asserting dominance.†( This means that when we feel like taking revenge, it is just a hole we are trying to fill with confidence to make ourselves feel better. As humans, we do not want to lose face with the people we know, so we feel obliged to take action against the wrongdoer to balance the scale. Conversely, while many people would jump on the opportunity to get back at someone, some people are strong enough to not act on the urges of revenge. It takes a strong person to let something go, and it takes an even stronger person to completely forgive. â€Å"Forgiveness is the cancellation of deserved hostility and the substitution of friendlier attitudes.†(Hughes 113). To forgive someone should be viewed as a type of release. When a person forgives another, they are releasing all of their anger and hostility and opening the door to a renewed friendship, or at least an agreement to not interact again. Of course, forgiving someone will not always stop them from doing something else in the future, but it is still a good method to practice for yourself. â€Å"Forgiveness has a discretionary nature, and the discretion belongs to the injured.†(Hughes 113). Many times, the best way to get back at someone is to show them that they did not have as massive an effect over you as they were hoping. While forgiving someone will not give immediate satisfaction, it is usually better for a person to let something go than to dwell on it for a long period of time. In contrast, it may be wondered whether or not retribution is always such a bad thing in certain cases. In the case of ‘Vicky’, it seems like retribution may be something that she deserves. Ten years ago, ‘Vicky’, who was ten years old at the time, fell victim to her father, who recorded many videos of her performing sex acts with him and even made her act out scripts. Her real name as well as her father’s name was redacted from the court documents, however the case ended with her father being sentenced to fifty years in prison. Prosecutors from ‘Vicky’s’ case have said that â€Å"While she continues to try to live a normal life, ‘Vicky’ carries emotional burdens which continually get in her way.†( Needless to say, this case is an extreme one, which begs the question as to whether or not retribution is something that Vicky is right in seeking. It would seem outlandish for anyone to blame her for making the people who download the videos of her pay for her therapy. In this case, it may be best to let the victim act out what they feel, because very few people can truly understand what it is that ‘Vicky’ has been through and continues to go through everyday. Not surprisingly, the entertainment industry has quite an interest in the topic of revenge. Some of the most popular shows that air on television relate to the theme of revenge in one way or another. In ‘Breaking Bad’, there are episodes toward the end where one character wants revenge very badly on another character, and it ends up putting him in a monumentally worse position than he was at before. There are countless other shows with similar themes. Many popular movies do this as well. The film series ‘Kill Bill’ by Quentin Tarantino pretty much revolves around that subject entirely. It can be wondered what it is that makes movies and television shows about revenge so popular with people, and the most likely answer lies in our society as a whole. A thirst for vengeance is a feeling everyone is familiar with and it is satisfying for us to watch others achieve it. Overall, revenge is a very common theme throughout the world we live in. It is something that is unlikely to change because it is just how we are wired. As humans, we can not help but get feelings of anger and retribution when we are wronged, but it should at least be known that most of the time, the actual act will only make a person feel worse than they did before in the long run. Society as a whole should be more accepting of the method of forgiveness as opposed to revenge as this is the only way to truly move on. â€Å"In taking revenge, a man is but even with his enemy; but in passing it over, he is superior.†(Sir Francis Bacon. Work Cited: Poe, Edgar A. â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado†(1846) Web 03 Dec. 2013. This is one of Edgar Allan Poe’s Classic tales about revenge. I used this story as a starting off point for the theme of my essay, which revolves around revenge. This information is in my first body paragraph which dissects the story. Poe, Edgar A. â€Å"Hop-Frog†(1850). Web 05 Dec. 2013 This is another Edgar Allan Poe story which also focuses on revenge. I used this story to show that in many stories revenge is a very common theme. This information is in my second body paragraph which dissects the story. Stillwell, Arlene. Baumeister Roy, and Del Priore, Regan. â€Å"Basic and Applied Social Psychology†We’re all Victims Here: Toward a Psychology of Revenge. (2008) 253-263. Web 06 Dec. 2013. Academic Library- Psychology and Behavioral Sciences. This article explains the psychology revolving around revenge and does studies involving the subject. I used this article to help explain the psychology behind feelings of revenge. This information is in my third body paragraph. Hughes, Martin. â€Å"Analysis†Forgiveness. (1975) 113-117 Web 06 Dec. 2013. Academic Library- JSTOR. In this entry, Hughes explains the concept of forgiveness and what it truly means. This information is used in the part of my essay that explains forgiveness. Chavez, Adriana M. â€Å"Online Child Pornography Can Harm Victims for Life.†(2013) Web 06 Dec. 2013. Academic Library- Opposing Viewpoints. This article goes over the case of a girl who was sexually abused as a child and explains what she has gone through since the incident. This information is used in the paragraph that wonders if revenge is always such a bad thing in certain situations. Sanders, Katie. â€Å"Revenge gone wrong: Teen driver crashes into New Port Richey home.†Tampa Bay Times. 05 Mar. 2010. Web 06 Dec. 2013. This article reports a case of revenge gone wrong in the form of a girl attempting to throw eggs at an ex-boyfriend’s car and causing a lot of property damage in the process. This information is used in the essay’s paragraph that explains how revenge can go wrong. â€Å"Revenge – Getting Even†– No author listed. – ND. Web 06 Dec. 2013. This web page helps further explain some of the concepts of revenge and forgiveness. This information is used in my essay’s paragraphs involving forgiveness. I also use a quote about revenge from this page. Anonymous. Personal Interview. 05 Dec. 2013. This is an interview i did of a friend who wanted to remain anonymous about a time he seeked revenge against an ex-girlfriend. I use this information in the area that involves revenge going wrong.
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
The Criminal Aspect of Social Media - 1360 Words
When the term social media is used, both law enforcement and the general public most often think of the ability to either connect publically or share content through internet based social networking sites such as: Facebook; Twitter; YouTube or Instagram. Facebook alone has over 1.3 billion users who post more than 350 million photos and 20 million videos a day to their accounts. YouTube has over 800 million users that upload 65 hours of video every minute of every day. Twitter has over 645 million users who generate one billion tweets every five days. Social media is now an essential communication method in today’s society. While this initial thought is correct, criminals have also adopted this medium and often use it to communicate and to further their illegal activities. As such, law enforcement needs to look at the various internet applications of social media as an open source information platform in which criminal intelligence can be gathered 24 hours a day. Failure to do so means key pieces of an investigative puzzle may be overlooked. Open source information, when combined with existing police data, allows a more complete picture of offenders and crime patterns to develop. It serves to confirm what investigators already suspect or can point an investigation into a totally different direction. The Cincinnati Police Department (CPD), along with our academic partners at the University of Cincinnati Institute of Crime Science (ICS), first started to look at theShow MoreRelatedDisplacement And Diffusion, Mass Media And Crime Prevention1222 Words  | 5 Pages Assignment 3: Displacement and Diffusion, Mass Media and Crime Prevention, General Deterrence Sem Crime Prevention/Control LaBrittani Poole-James October 6, 2017 Grambling State University Assignment 3: Displacement and Diffusion, Mass Media and Crime Prevention, General Deterrence 1. 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