Tuesday, May 19, 2020
My Philosophy Of Nursing Education - 770 Words
My philosophy of nursing education grows out of my philosophy of nursing. Much has been said related to healthcare reform, healthcare globalization, and healthcare delivery. A resounding theme in all of these discussions is the need for nurses to take a position of leadership in the healthcare industry (Institute of Medicine, 2010). I believe nurses, as leaders, are uniquely qualified to bridge the gap between the healthcare industry and a rapidly changing global environment. Nurses are educationally in tune to the proposed changes that are being made, yet sensitive enough to address the needs of individuals affected by these changes. In a global community, nurses advocate for the individual. I believe at the heart of nursing is the provision of care. Caring is the fundamental tenet behind all that we do and say in our relationships with patients. Caring is a value I possess. Caring, is also a trait that must be nurtured and cultivated in all nurses to be therapeutic and of value to patients. Nurse educators facilitate students development of effective care. I believe the profession of nursing is an expression of kindness and connectivity between human beings that creates change in community. The commitment to partner with an individual, family, or population during a time of need and assist them towards healing is what true community is all about. Nurse educators partner with students to further change. I believe nurses facilitate both the restoration andShow MoreRelatedMy Philosophy Of Nursing Education1333 Words  | 6 PagesMy philosophy of nursing education develops out of my philosophy of nursing. They are woven together as I am both a nurse and educator. I don t desire to be one without the other; and, I trust the two together are much more grounded than either one alone. My philosophy of nursing is based off the four concepts of nursing. 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My personal philosophy is universal provision of health-care despite one’s background. As a nurse, one is responsible to offer professional services in any environment. I defined person, environment, health and nursing. My four personal philosophy concepts include competence, accountability, compassion and caring. Nursing philosophy is important because of practice, education, administration
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